Sunday, July 21, 2013

WAM- Work And Music

There is a rhythm in everything I do. Thats the reason I find music really exciting and energizing. Every key stroke that I make for this blog, it seems to be going on in some rhythm. I can hear the music of silence at times. That's all for the philosophical part, what I would like to write about is music and the important role it plays while I work. Music makes work Rhythmic and enjoyable. For now that's all I have - I will write a bit more in detail some other time.

World is a small place

World is large is an illusion and we have been disillusioned by the internet. The other day I was driving my car late in the night and suddenly I felt like giving lift to a guy who was eagerly waiting for a taxi. Well, after I offered him lift, I do not know why, I got to know he is a Odia with the first few accented words he spoke. It then came to light that he was my younger brother's junior in college. This all happened in a 15 minute short drive. I do believe the world is a small place!! Indeed.

Music is for the Soul

No matter what language you speak or understand, it is imminent that you would enjoy good music being played at any point in this universe. May be we will enjoy even Martian music for that matter. Music is one aspect that connects the various distributed components in this universe. It may be the alternative solution to "String Theory" which scientists around the world are vehemently researching on. I feel so connected to myself and the outer world, suddenly all feels so good. I am just so ecstatic after listening to beautiful sound pieces - the moment good music bounces off my ear drums - the feeling of awesomeness dawns on me and I for a split second loose consciousness and get calmness. I feel my soul gets nourished when my ears listen to good music. Music in my view is for the soul.