Friday, May 08, 2009

The Beginning of an End

I am blogg-ing after a long long time. I was so-called busy writing my PhD thesis, trying to get a job in a situation where the market is at its lower best because of recession. There were a couple of other things which kept me busy but primarily its the thesis. Completing the thesis is not a big task according to me, if one has done his part of technical work and documentation properly. The only effort being that one has to do a survey which in more scientific terms is called literature survey, which by no means is interesting and eats up a lot of time and energy. I do not know what to say about the time I took to complete my PhD. It is because of many other constructively distractive works that led to the delay. I have been involved with two startup activities in which I had to put considerable amount of effort and time. And I liked taking up challenging projects ranging from automated Analog placement and routing, behavioral modeling of AMS to Mobile applications, data mining and data security. These were by no means correlated to my thesis which was on "Simulation Based Verification of Pipelined Processors". It was a wonderful experience walking down the road of research with so much of breadth in terms of experience. I liked it a lot. Anyway, now that I am out of the wonderful years of academic researcher life, I have to face the world. I need to work hard and stay focussed now. I can feel, its an even arena. Its the beginning of a new phase and the end of of a much loved phase in my life. This is the synopsis of how I completed PhD, gave my synopsis seminar and joined Synopsys India at Bangalore. Looking forward to the late but extremely new beginning in my life. Will keep you guys posted.

1 comment:

biswa said...

Its good to know that you have worked on so many diversified topics like AMS, data mining and architecture. But what happened to the start-up initiatives you were taking?